邯郸市旅游局 兰陵文化研究中心
浩瀚五千年,中国传统文化博大精深。国学作为中华文明的重要载体,其经典著作凝缩着中华文化之精髓 ,其思想智慧成为了传之千古的结晶。国学经典不仅是中华民族的灿烂遗产,也是中国人不可或缺的精神力量。学国学,魅在领悟,工在体味,效在吸纳。读国学经典,能助今人修身怡心,达到“腹有诗书气自华”之境界;品国学经典,能让今人以圣人为师,汲取历经岁月沉淀的人生哲理。
【英译】Though base-born were I to wish to be noble, or though stupid were I to be wise, or though poor were I to wish to be rich-----would this be possible?
I say: It can be done only through learning.
【英译】Learning cannot be ceased.
【注释】①于:第一个“于”指“从”,后两个指“比”。② 蓝:即蓼蓝,一年生草本植物,其叶经过发酵后可以提制深蓝色的有机染料。
【英译】Although blue comes from the indigo plant, it is bluer than indigo; and ice is made of water, but it is colder than water.
【英译】The wood that has been marked with the plumbline will be straight and metal that has been put to the whetstone will be sharp. A gentleman should broaden his knowledge and examine himself to make himself wise and free from mistakes.
【英译】If you do not climb up a high mountain, you will not be aware of the height of the sky. If you do not overlook a deep gorge, you will not be aware of the depth of the earth. If you have not heard the words passed down from the ancient Kings, you will not be aware of the greatness of the learning.
【英译】I once thought for a whole day, but could not catch up with the studying of a moment. I once held up my tiptoes to look out into the distance, but that could not catch up with the things that I saw from a high place.
7. 百发失一,不足谓善射;千里跬步不至,不足谓善御;伦类不通,仁义不一,不足谓善学。
【英译】A man can not be called an expert archer if he misses one shot in 100. A man can not be called an expert carriage driver if he travels a journey of 1,000 li but fail to take the last half-step. A man can not be called an expert in learning if he does not deal with various categories of things appropriately and does not fully grasp the principles of humanity and justice.
【英译】The meaning of studying is to persist in studying. While learning, those who can accept the half and then leave out the half are commoners. Few kind deeds and many bad deeds, which are the person like Jie, Zhou and Daozhi. Only by grasping and exhausting all the learning, can one be called a learned scholar.
9. 君子之学也,入乎耳,箸乎心,布乎四体,形乎动静。
【英译】The learning of the gentleman enters through the ear, stored in the mind, spreads through the four limbs, and is visible in his activity and repose.
【英译】If you genuinely accumulate and earnestly practice for a long time, then you will become an initiate. Learning continues until death and only then does it stop.
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